You may feel a sudden sense of discomfort in your home without knowing a clear reason.
The strange thing is that this feeling affects those who live in a small or large house because the real causes of discomfort are not related to the space. There are common mistakes – that play a negative role inside your home – that we have collected for you so that you can stay away from them and enjoy a good mood by following 5 important tips.
Complexity and chaos:
Make simplicity a way of life, choose the appropriate furniture for the room spaces because this will help you arrange it in a way that is comfortable for the eye. If there are pieces of furniture in your home that you feel take up a lot of space, you can replace them with smaller pieces, or get rid of them if they are unnecessary, such as selling them, for example. As for the elements of each room, we advise you to keep only what is useful to you and follow the smartest ways to store them properly to be further away from sources of annoying chaos.
Closing windows:
Some women have an obsession related to opening windows, due to the dust carried in the air, and they believe that it is healthy to close the windows all the time because this greatly reduces dust. It is indeed so, but it is physically and psychologically unhealthy; because opening the windows refreshes the house and prevents the accumulation of odors in the house and moisture on the walls that cause mold to appear on the surfaces. And let’s not forget that the sun is a renewable source of positive energy, so be sure to open the windows early in the morning and before the streets are crowded with cars for cleaner air.
Neglecting the entrance of the house:
After all this effort in preparing the rooms of the house and the reception area, do not forget that taking care of the entrance is important; because it is the first place that guests pass through and of course you and your family as well. Make it special even if it has a limited space, a small horizontal mirror and a cheerful hanger to hang the most used items when going out can make a noticeable difference. Also, look for other innovative ideas for the entrances of the house.
Wrong furniture positions:
Why do we stick to fixed furniture positions according to traditions and not according to our needs? For example, if it is common to place the bed behind the window, or the furniture of other rooms in some way – such as placing it close to the wall – and these positions lead to the accumulation of home elements in one place, or blocking sunlight, then we need to change according to our desires, especially when it comes to sunlight because of its aesthetic touch full of energy.
After avoiding these mistakes, I hope you try these tricks; so that your home becomes a source of energy for the entire family.
Unexpected element:
If your home furniture is modern, you can break the time barrier and put a distinctive antique piece or a frame of an old street picture from a bygone era. Such things make us feel nostalgic for the past and bring us a sense of happiness.
You know that mirrors give a sense of spaciousness, which is positively reflected in people’s comfort. They are not only required in the case of classic furniture. But be careful not to put them in an unwanted place. One of the decoration experts advises not to put mirrors in parts that reflect random things that are not valuable, or to put them in front of the bed in the bedroom because of their undesirable effect. Instead, make sure, for example, to put large mirrors on the dining room wall to reflect the lighting of the chandelier and the accessories of the place, so it looks elegant just like you.
Today, lighting is not only for lighting as in the past but also to show the beauty of interior designs.
Choose lamps that emit comfortable light for the eye, and make sure to distribute them correctly.
Use multiple sources with different levels of lighting to suit the activities possible inside the room.
If the corridor between the rooms is narrow, pay attention to the lighting so that it does not cause discomfort to your family while moving between the rooms.
Try using decorative pieces for lighting.
Refreshing scents:
Spray fragrant scents in the atmosphere of the house and between the furniture pieces that remind you of nature. Try the scent of roses, it is wonderful. And remember every time you do this to contribute to improving the mental health of your small family.
A very special corner:
There is something special in private sessions that has a magical effect on the soul. There is no harm in choosing a small part of the house and allocating it for individual meditation and relaxation sessions or for exchanging interesting conversations with the husband or children. Equip it with quiet furniture, a small swing, and a comfortable sofa to sit on or on the floor.
Unlike your work environment or parking spaces on the streets and public places, your home is the only haven that you have complete control over, and it should be a source of positivity and bliss, so don’t miss out on enjoying it as much as you can.
Do you have any other suggestions? We would love to hear from you here.